Online Databases
These can be accessed on your laptop from school or from home- be sure to check if you need a password from home!
(From home use username and password nshoreha)
Select from 6 databases such as American History, Government, Daily Life, and Ancient and Medieval Eras
(From home use password empirelink)
(try logging in through the NOVELny website if you can't access through the link here).
Use this for persuasive essays or debate papers- you can browse by subject to find both sides of an argument.
(try logging in through the NOVELny website if you can't access through the link here).
(try logging in through the NOVELny website if you can't access through the link here).
access to more than 1,000 major
U.S. and international newspapers
(From home use username and password nshebrew)
Information about countries of the world, including cultural, historical, statistical, and more.
Here are some free websites that are useful when doing research:
Similar to Britannica but free
Primary Source Database on modern US and British history, including World War I and World War II
Select your country from the drop-down menu; then hit "expand" to see the full article.
Maps of the World from the University of Texas
and current maps of interest
Information on current and past members, legislation, and committees.
Museum resources on mythology and the ancient world.
Salem E-books
Click the links below for access to e-books. The hard copies of these books are available in the library.